Channel: Questions in topic: "finding"
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Finding objects in an arc/pie ?

Hello =) Im having trouble with my combat system , I made one simple before where it just casted a raycast and it worked , But now i noticed it was kinda buggy , and you could even hit yourself...

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Path Finding With Different Elevations

So, given that i have that i have an enemy who is on a plat form 5 meters higher than the player, and has a ramp going down to player elevation... When i path find, how do i check to see if the drop...

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Zombie A.I path finding help

HI, is there a way to make a zombie ai script ( Path finding ). I know that i'm asking for a lot, but if there are and tuts avialible please tell me about them. Also if u can tell me ho to get started...

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how to do infinitive loop for finding all sub folders / files C#

ok I've managed to do a loop of 5 Subfolders and all files in them but I wander how do I create a loop that loops it self and knows he's own loop changes a bit each time it loops it self of it has...

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A* pathfinding, Re checking nodes

At the moment, I am using the A* Pathing found [here][1] Now, perhaps I am going about this the wrong way, but I set up a new function for closed nodes. Maybe Invalid nodes are the same? I didn't think...

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Can I find if a material is actually being used?

I have a material in my project named "No Name". Is there a way to find if this "No Name" material is actually being used?

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Quadtree Neighbor Level Differences

I found a paper on a quad tree constant time neighbor found algorithm [here.][1] But iI figured that I only need one part of the algorithm, I don't actually need to find the neighbors, I just need the...

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Can Someone Explain this Code to Me?

I came across some code that seems to be able to determine the neighbor quad tree nodes in a quad tree, however I don't get exactly what's going on in the code. I do know that it's in C++ so the syntax...

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AI Waypoint - Take into account unit Size/Radius?

Hello, I'm messing around with different path finders/waypoints/navigation systems for my game. The ones I've used so far don't actually seem to take into account my units size/radius. So if there is a...

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Finding a value in a List

I need to find a value in a List. This is an example code that shows what I would want to do. private List spaces; private gridSize = 2.5; public struct Space{ public Vector3 coor; public Vector3 pos;...

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Instantiating a prefab that is in my project folder?

Dunno if this is a dumb question and am I missing something obvious.... So far in my limited work with UNI I declare a public GameObject in a c# script and drop into it a prefab (that I have created in...

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Find position of a character of typogenic text

I need to find a way to pinpoint the position in the scene of a specified character (the last one of the string for example) in a typogenic text. For now I've tried to calculate it, but the result is...

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Grid-based path-finding, similar to Legend of Grimrock/Eye of the Beholder...

I am working on an old-school grid-based first-person dungeon crawler and my prototype is almost complete. The only thing I have to work on is enemy path-finding. My enemy has a wander AI that is...

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instance of prefab can't be found outside of Start() function

I am a beginner at coding. To clarify I am creating for instance a clone of BetButton. I only want the clone to be SetActive if Allowed.Contains has ("Bet") in it. My Betbutton and slider are both...

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Find nearest enemy object in radius

Hi all, I am trying to create RTS. What is the best and less costly (**fps**) way to find nearest **UNITY** object (with tag "Enemy") **in some radius** . Physics.OverlapSphere, Circle Collider 2d or...

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how do i find my answers

if i once asked a question, how can i find my question?

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How to check what prefabs exist in one of the project folders? (not...

Hey all. Just as title says - I need to check what prefabs exist in specific project folder (e.g. "Assets/FunnyFolder/NotFunnyFolder/") I tried using AssetsDatabase and PrefabUtility, but I can't work...

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How do I conditionally instantiate gameobject in a public class array?

i have a class called, [System.Serializable] public class EnemyInformation{ //inside are public variables like public int enemyID; public enemyName; } I created another script that inherits...

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How works FindIndex? public class FRef : MonoBehaviour { string player_n; public List p = new List(); int idx; void Start() { idx = p.FindIndex(IsAlive); Debug.Log(p[idx].name); } bool IsAlive(Prop...

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How can run method from unknown type of script?

Hi, i have many objects that most of them have a script with 'Events' suffix. example : gameObject : Door, script : DoorEvents then i find this script after triggering player with them: foreach...

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